image of rishab nagwani

I, Rishab Nagwani, am a
Full-Stack Web App Developer focused on building
real world web applications.
I am a sophomore at
Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
My specialization is
MERN Stack Development.

Download Resume
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About me

Hi there! I am a passionate Web App Developer from Mumbai, India.

💻 I am proficient in the full stack technologies including MongoDB for database management, ExpressJS for server development, React for front-end designing and Node.js for executing JavaScript in a runtime environment. I have also learned Python, C++, and Java programming languages as part of my curriculum.

🌐 I have developed a wide range of projects, from simple SPAs to dynamic full-stack applications.

I am extremely enthusiastic about developing solutions for real-world challenges and creating impactful projects through web development. It is this relentless pursuit of knowledge and hands-on learning that fuels my desire to provide meaningful contributions to the tech community and to society.

Educational Background

My Projects

Here are my top four projects, click on the image to check out the site.

To view all my projects click here.

Project Manager

Create, edit, and manage projects and tasks using an interactive drag-and-drop Kanban board. Users can add other users with an invite link provided in the workspace settings. It is also a PWA so that users can install it as an app on their devices.

Real-time Chat App

A fully functional real-time chat application inspired by Discord. This project provides messaging via WebSockets and audio/video chat capabilities using LiveKit, with user authentication powered by Clerk. Users can add members via invite links.

Payment Gateway App

A Patreon-like project built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB Atlas. This project allows users to create accounts, sign in via OAuth using Google/GitHub, and make payments using Razorpay.

Password Manager

A simple and modern password manager built using React, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB. This project allows users to store their passwords on a MongoDB Atlas cluster. Users can also edit and delete their passwords.



To view all my certificates click here.

My SkillsFrameworks/libraries I have used to build my applications.

Contact me

Feel free to reach out to me directly at or by filling out this form.